Modern Slavery Statement


At Tech-Con Automation ULC dba Shape Process Automation (“SPA”), we are committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all of our business dealings and relationships, and to promote compliance with applicable laws and protect the dignity and rights of all people connected to our business. We strive to work ever more closely with our suppliers to ensure their workforce, and the workforce of their supply chains are treated with respect and dignity. At the heart of our mission lies a commitment to fostering inclusive workplaces and sourcing products responsibly.

 This is SPA’s first modern slavery statement pursuant to Canada’s Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act (S.C. 2023, c. 9), and it will be reviewed annually hereafter. We acknowledge that stamping out modern slavery and human trafficking risk is a process that will take time. Our reporting outlines the measures we have in place and the efforts we have commenced to assess and address risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in our business and supply chain.

Our organizational structure, business operations and supply chains

The Shape Process Automation Group comprises of several entities, including SPA located in Ontario, Canada, where Shape Technologies Group, Inc. is the ultimate parent company. Shape Process Automation Group’s activities include production, sale, distribution, import of industrial automation and material handling equipment in Canada and outside Canada. The goods used in the manufacture and assembly of SPA products, including electrical components, conveyors and palletizers, are sourced from suppliers located in Canada and USA. We also purchase waterjet components, coils, spare parts, and consumables to resell in the Canadian market from suppliers located in USA.